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Optimise ESG reporting and benchmarking

Businesses must be able to effectively report their supply chain environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risk data to comply with regulatory requirements. LRQA’s supply chain due diligence platform EiQ optimises ESG reporting and benchmarking through dynamic visualisations and centralised data of key metrics. 

With a robust database from more than 20,000 annual on-site audits, clients can benchmark their ESG performance against wider industry data and monitor ESG risk trends.  

Our benchmarking and reporting approach

EiQ allows clients to benchmark their supply chain data against industry and country averages for data points.  

Data points

  • Common violations observed during assessments  
  • Key quantitative supply chain ESG metrics including:  
  • Audit transparency rate  
  • Average monthly take-home wages  
  • Average % of workers paid correctly  
  • Average weekly hours 
  • Average continuous working days  

Individualised reporting

Benchmarking in EiQ offers flexible data filtering to help clients fulfil their individualised reporting needs.

Anticipate risk

Programme trend reports support proactive decision-making and early risk identification.

EiQ Highlights

We help clients navigate ESG risks in their supply chains and the rising impact of regulatory demands, investor interests and increasing expectations from consumers. Transparent data and actionable insights are at the core of how we help clients anticipate, mitigate, and manage risk with EiQ, our end-to-end supply chain due diligence platform. 

EiQ utilises proprietary data generated from 40,000+ days per annum on site from supply chains in 110+ countries and regions.

75,000,000+ audit data points

Audit Data

  • 20,000+ audits per year
  • 300+ data points per audit
  • 10+ years of audit history

Worker Viewpoints

  • Grievance mechanism 6,000+ per month
  • 3,000+ worker surveys per year

eLearning Data

  • Over 1 million course completions

500,000+ index values

Analytics Data

  • 50+ supply chain indices | 200+ regions
  • 20+ key sectors | 400+ products and services
  • 200,000+ entities scanned for adverse media

250,000+ entities

Corporate Scorecards

500+ multi-nationals

Vendor Scorecards

15,000+ vendor profiles

Site Scorecards

50,000+ unique factories and farms

Why partner with us?

Global capability

We operate in more than 150 countries with a team of more than 5,000 people. Across almost every sector our award-winning compliance, supply chain, cybersecurity and ESG specialists help more than 60,000 clients to anticipate, mitigate and manage risk, wherever you operate.

silhouette of people looking at a city skyline through a glass window

Focus on your business

Every business is unique, we work with you to understand your needs and how we can support you using our market leading expertise in compliance, supply chain, cybersecurity and ESG. Our approach to the design and delivery of services is flexible and pragmatic, tailored to the challenges faced by your business in the era of Assurance 4.0.

Aerial picture of a sea port at night

Total assurance

We’ve led the way in shaping our industry and continue to expand our services and expertise by collaborating with clients, acquiring businesses and forming new partnerships. The result is a unique and connected portfolio of services that can help you assure your assets and management systems, achieve product integrity, source responsibly, navigate the energy transition and strengthen cybersecurity maturity.

An employee working in the textile factory

Actionable insight

We invest in digital platforms that deliver and enhance insight into your business. This data-driven approach means our expertise is underpinned by extensive analytics, which can be applied to address current and future risks within your operations and supply chain.

Team of people discussing analytical data in a room

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